
FA(2) final publication & legislative process update

The Polish XML schema, containing more than 300 fields, is undeniably more complex compared to its European XML equivalents. This complexity has predictably rendered itself to multiple versions of the schema. In June 2023, the Polish Ministry of Finance finally published the final version of the FA(2) logical structure for e-invoices.   

No other modifications are planned before the mandatory KSeF comes into force on 1 July 2024.  

Kofax is still awaiting final technical specifications regarding Poland’s e-invoicing mandate, but these are not materially expected to change the content of the FA(2) structure. While the legislative process regarding the same is expected to conclude by July 2023, final specification publication is expected slightly later, in Q4 2023. Kofax will analyse these once available and assess system impact. 

The FA(2) structure is expected to replace the current FA(1) structure on the production environment as of 1 September 2023. In the KSeF test environment, it will be available from 1 July 2023 (in parallel with the currently used FA(1) until the end of August 2023). 

Initial indications suggest that the final version of FA(2) does not differ significantly from the earlier, draft version of the FA(2) structure, published in late spring. Multiple wider Kofax teams have been analysing the FA(2), with a view to determine how we can support these fields. 

Further information with respect to the FA(2) can be located on the Polish Ministry of Finance website: 


Kofax is committed to supporting the upcoming e-invoicing mandate in Poland. You can read more about Poland’s e-invoicing mandate here. 

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